Find out more- <ol>Crea liste ordinate o numerate.
- hrefDefinisce l'URL della risorsa/pagina di destinazione.
- methodDetermina il metodo di invio dei dati di un form al server
- <video>Integra e controlla video in una pagina HTML
- animation-directionProprietà CSS per definire la direzione di esecuzione di un'animazione
- srcsetL'attributo srcset definisce la risorsa grafica tramite URL all'interno del tag <source> contenuto in <picture>
Find inspiration2025 ©

AI was coming!
Artificial intelligence is about to land on
Soon all users will be able to use Codebot AI to generate and modify file contents.
We are about to implement Google Gemini inside files with a specific management of Tokens for user use.
This feature is still in the testing phase, but it is already working. We are doing the final checks on the efficiency and security of the AI before publishing it definitively.
Users will be able to use it freely within the token limit provided for by the plan. Free users will also be able to use it for demonstration purposes.
Come back and visit us in a few weeks!
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