
Find out more
  • <tfoot>Definisce il footer o sezione inferiore di una tabella.
  • <h3>Titolo di intestazione di terzo livello
  • getDefinisce un metodo di invio di dati al server
  • <audio>Il tag <audio> HTML permette di inserire contenuti musicali e suoni nel documento
  • <form>Crea un modulo/form HTML per consentire all'utente di inviare dati al server
  • methodDetermina il metodo di invio dei dati di un form al server



Create your template

Now you can select your default template for creating new files. From the "my files" menu, select a file and click on the "set as template" button. All new files will be based on your template code.

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Embed JS and CSS resources

Now you can embed URLs of external resources in JS and CSS format without writing them in the editor.
This allows you to retrieve resources from other sources or from other files via the URL, rearrange them and edit them quickly.

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Submitting bug reports

From today, community users will be able to report errors and bugs directly from the playground. Reporting errors allows us to improve the platform and solve problems promptly.

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Backup logs and notes

We have implemented file version logging. With each save you will be able to describe the changes made to the file so as to maintain an order of versions and restore data from a previous version of the file.

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New update

The editor has been improved and some features have been corrected, including saving tags and images, which sometimes were not updated and saved with the files.

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Feed and news

We have updated our Explore section with dynamic content and news. You can receive information and updates directly from here.

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Super Update! In arrivo...

Sta per arrivare un grande aggiornamento di Preparati ad un esperienza completamente nuova. Disponibile a breve.

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Docs & References

Scopri Docs, la nuova sezione di per trovare tutte le references HTML

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Introduzione dei Likes

Introduzione al tasto "Like". Supporta il lavoro degli altri con un click.

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Console update

Console di debug migliorata. Aggiunta la possibilità di disattivare la console per l'intera sessione di lavoro.

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